3 Key factors to website success.
First impressions are everything.� The design world is no exception, and that’s why a great landing page or homepage is essential to building an online presence. In an effort to create BRAND experience the design should quickly convey a company�s identity and purpose.�
Optimizing a website or blog for the visitor is the second most important factor. The minute the visitor experiences a malfunction, such as a broken link, there is a break in communication between the visitor and the company.
The third most important factor:� Without question, it is the Call to Action. What do you want the viewer to do? This question can be answered with a simple buy or response button. However your website delivers a concise message and then creates a positive user experience, this third factor brings the communication process full cycle.
The best approach is to keep your online communications simple and functional. No design should overwhelm the eye or confuse the main goals.� The visitor should experience ease both visually and functionally.�
Within five seconds of visiting your site, visitors should know:
1. Who you are.�
2. What you can do for them.�
3. How to start a relationship.